Tag Archives: bit-dramatic

Week in Review: Kate Gosselin’s a Goner, Sandra Bullock’s Inching Her Way Back

Ding-dong, the witch is dead… OK, maybe that’s being a bit dramatic, but we’re sure that little ditty ran through plenty of people’s heads when Kate Gosselin was eliminated…

Originally posted here:
Week in Review: Kate Gosselin’s a Goner, Sandra Bullock’s Inching Her Way Back

jemmabritney – thats what her profile says!

Not being negative but this is one of those pages that appears on the MyNuts section that you are somewhat unsure if it is real or not.Its a new profile so I may be jumping the gun wee bit, but how many names like Jemma & Britney are there for models. Of course if this is her real name – its a hot name – run with it!!! In all the pics are really hot, but I guess until we get a little more info the mystery continues. Well I am being a bit dramatic there! They are just really well done and the model looks sensational. Whoever she is, and in all fairness I kind of recognise the girl but cannot match anything up yet, welcome. Hope we get to see more of this girl in more stunning pics. Make Her Famous Comments

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jemmabritney – thats what her profile says!