Tag Archives: bitches-spirit

Jessica Simpson Can’t Hide Her Fat with Her Purse of the Day

These Jessica Simpson fat as fuck pictures hit close to home. Not because I am used to being let down by pussy I found hot…but because I have seen various women in my life kill their sex appeal like it was a bad friend who was trying to steal from them by eating their fucking faces off….mainly my wife…who was actually not so bad looking before she married me…but for some reason she just decided to start eating, to stop moving, and to never stop until she exploded…..and it is one of life’s great tragedies…. I saw the different phases of emotional eating until you turn into a fat fucking piece of shit that scares little kids and disgusts everyday people cuz it’s just not fucking human and Jessica Simpson is textbook. It starts with a few pounds from one too many deserts….to slowly enough weight people start noticing…to strategic dressing so that people can’t tell just how fat and disgusting you are…from covering your gut with your purse, to wearing ill fitting pants hoping it’ll make you slim the fuck down like Jessica Simpson in these pictures.. to not giving a fuck and stuffing your fucking face cuz you’ve officially given up…developing diabetes, having limbs removed and smelling like shit no matter how long you shower cuz some places are just too hard to reach….. It’s amazing what getting divorced, having failed relationship after failed relationship, having a failed record, having your younger sister go on to do all the things you wanted to do when she was always in your shadow and you were always the focal point can do to a bitches spirit….and I’d still fuck her…but I have no standards…and fat or not, she’s still Jessica Simpson….while my wife is just fat and nobody and I still fuck her….but I don’t think jerking off to these pics is right…unless you’re black…in which this bitch is right where you need her to be….and that’s enough of that. Here she is in ill-fitting pants… Here she is covering up her fat stomach with her purse…. Pics via Fame Pics via Bauer

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Jessica Simpson Can’t Hide Her Fat with Her Purse of the Day