Tag Archives: black-leaders

Ma’am…Hush: Omarosa Says Black Folks Need To Try A Little Harder To Work With President Trump

Omarosa Says Black Leaders Need To Engage With President Trump Diamond and Silk’s favorite White House aide, Omarosa Manigault, says Black folks need to get on board with Trump to help bring forth change. Trump’s token sat with the Associated Press while gearing up for meeting with Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and said that African Americans simply aren’t seeing it for the President and aren’t really putting forth effort to work with the administration. Despite the fact that Trump has made clear moves to cut out programs that benefit minorities, Omarosa says Trump is doing his best to extend a hand to Black folks. “We’re here waiting, willing to work with the community. This president wants to engage. It’s not a one-way street.” Upon actually meeting with the NAN, Omarosa told the crowd that Trump was clearly doing his best for Black folks, citing his meeting with the CBC — which a reporter had to prod him into — and his other with HBCU Presidents — where Kelly Anne Conway dug her feet into the couch . Either way, she told the crowd: “I’m ready. I know what I came into, and I ain’t never scared…As I fight for you from the White House, I need you to fight on the outside.” Welp, the White House’s Black folks liaison says our leaders aren’t engaging with El Presidente enough. What do you think about it? Splash

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Ma’am…Hush: Omarosa Says Black Folks Need To Try A Little Harder To Work With President Trump