Tag Archives: blonde-things

Courtney Love Would Totally Do Jessica Simpson

Courtney Love is insane. Still, being bat$h!t crazy doesn’t make one heartless. Taking a break from berating estranged daughter Frances Bean Cobain on Facebook, Love Tweeted some love in the direction of a new gal pal: Jessica Simpson. Sure, they seem like an odd tandem as far as celebrity BFFs are concerned. But riddie us this – who paired with Courtney Love would not form an odd tandem? Just some food for thought. Anyway, she had to dish out props “hawt as hell” gal-pal, who she declares “‘SExual Napam’ BONDED!” Seriously she wrote this . Should John Mayer be worried that Love is moving in on his turf? Hot piece, hot mess. [Photos: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] “Hopefully I won’t say anything stupid but I have a serious ?,” Love said in a direct tweet. You knew things were about to get weirder from there, and they did. “1 your really hot and ive always thought you were a very hardworking pop singer who deserved success. thats primary,” the nutty Hole front-woman gushed. It may be primary, but it’s also insane. Hot? Sure. We know she’s sexual napalm . But a hard-working pop singer who deserved success? Who’s she referring to? It gets better, don’t worry. Court asks … “Your deaf friend used to live downtown and have really loud sex with my friend btw he was cute ! but but but why the HE:LL do you chew Nicorette gum and are addicted to it yet have never smoked in yr life? Dude i do blonde things too.” There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. There you have it .

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Courtney Love Would Totally Do Jessica Simpson