Tag Archives: both-further

Kate Bosworth on the Road to Coachella for Topshop of the Day

Kate Bosworth got hired to do some video for Topshop about Coachella, which is both further proof that Coachella is some mainstream hipster bullshit….that has little to know cool to it…but instead is just over commercialized money making crap….that only matters because hot girls go to it….but more importantly, this video reminds us that Kate Bosworth still exists and that she can get work, she’s capable, and I’m into that cuz I kinda like Kate Bosworth, not that I remember anything she’s done as an actor, but I do remember her skinniness, and her ability to model….not that modeling takes much ability, but you get what I’m saying…. That said, this video fucking sucks. It’s so fucking boring….TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES BITCH.

Kate Bosworth on the Road to Coachella for Topshop of the Day