How’s about some hot breakfast sausage to get your hump day started right? Meet David Moore. The 6’3,” 260-lb 26-yr-old is a Canadian fitness entrepreneur whose Vancouver business, MooreFitLiving, is determined to get people to develop their lower bodies like they do their upper. His motto is “Changing the world one, lower body at a time.” And what a lower body he’s got on him! Whoooooooooooah! Lots more where that came from on the flippy…
In a really bad way too… Yikes. Tamera Mowry-Housley (aka the Mowry twin that was NOT on “The Game”) is due to pop her gut full of vanilla-swirl any day now, but that time just can’t come soon enough as far as she’s concerned. The actress took to her PEOPLE celebrity blog to share her experience. At this point Tamera is 39 weeks along and her and hubby Adam Housley’s first child, a son, is due to arrive on October 30: Experts say only three to five percent of women actually have their babies on their due date. And women on average have their babies between the 38-41 week mark. Additionally, first-time moms tend to have their babies on the later side. As a result I have been telling myself, “Tamera, you might just have this baby a little late.” Although I am still seven days out, I have to say I’ve already begun Googling suggestions on how to induce my labor naturally. I don’t know about you, but sleepless nights are pretty much the norm for me now. I’ve found myself staring at the wall some evenings for two to five hours, pondering such questions as, “What kind of mom will I be?” “Do I have all my son‘s newborn essentials?” “Is the nursery efficient and safe?” “Do I have everything I need in my hospital bag?” “How will my delivery go?” “Will my delivery be three hours or 24 hours long?” “How will I handle the pain during my delivery?” “Am I having real contractions or Braxton Hicks?” “What is the difference between fake labor and real labor?” The list goes on and on. Don’t let me forget about the five trips a night to the restroom. It’s actually become comical now. I’ve stated that at this point, you can either laugh or cry — and I have chosen to laugh!! Is it just me, or does it take you other moms-to-be FOREVER to roll over in bed just to get out and USE the bathroom. I timed myself once out of curiosity, just see how long it took me to go to the restroom. It took me 15 MINUTES! My bathroom is honestly just a few feet away. And at that moment, I chose to laugh REAL hard. Now you know some of the reasons why I’ve chosen to begin Googling natural ways to induce labor! So far I have tried pineapple juice, evening primrose oil, drinking a glass of wine, dancing, squatting and finally, spicy food. However, that is where I had a problem. Spicy food didn’t really work for me for a number of reasons. One, it gave me major heartburn and acid reflux. Unfortunately, food poisoning came along with it. If you’re pregnant and have experienced food poisoning, I FEEL for you! It was like a lose, lose situation. Not to mention a loose, loose situation. Sorry to be graphic, but I didn’t know which way was up or down. I had contractions AND cramps all at the same time. Yuck. That was pretty gross. For those of you who are mothers, what are some other ways you can think of for Tamera to try naturally inducing labor? She’s asking folks to tweet her @TameraMowryTwo if you have any tips… Enjoy some pre-baby shots of Tamera and hubby Adam Housley below: Photo Credit: Katee Grace
In a really bad way too… Yikes. Tamera Mowry-Housley (aka the Mowry twin that was NOT on “The Game”) is due to pop her gut full of vanilla-swirl any day now, but that time just can’t come soon enough as far as she’s concerned. The actress took to her PEOPLE celebrity blog to share her experience. At this point Tamera is 39 weeks along and her and hubby Adam Housley’s first child, a son, is due to arrive on October 30: Experts say only three to five percent of women actually have their babies on their due date. And women on average have their babies between the 38-41 week mark. Additionally, first-time moms tend to have their babies on the later side. As a result I have been telling myself, “Tamera, you might just have this baby a little late.” Although I am still seven days out, I have to say I’ve already begun Googling suggestions on how to induce my labor naturally. I don’t know about you, but sleepless nights are pretty much the norm for me now. I’ve found myself staring at the wall some evenings for two to five hours, pondering such questions as, “What kind of mom will I be?” “Do I have all my son‘s newborn essentials?” “Is the nursery efficient and safe?” “Do I have everything I need in my hospital bag?” “How will my delivery go?” “Will my delivery be three hours or 24 hours long?” “How will I handle the pain during my delivery?” “Am I having real contractions or Braxton Hicks?” “What is the difference between fake labor and real labor?” The list goes on and on. Don’t let me forget about the five trips a night to the restroom. It’s actually become comical now. I’ve stated that at this point, you can either laugh or cry — and I have chosen to laugh!! Is it just me, or does it take you other moms-to-be FOREVER to roll over in bed just to get out and USE the bathroom. I timed myself once out of curiosity, just see how long it took me to go to the restroom. It took me 15 MINUTES! My bathroom is honestly just a few feet away. And at that moment, I chose to laugh REAL hard. Now you know some of the reasons why I’ve chosen to begin Googling natural ways to induce labor! So far I have tried pineapple juice, evening primrose oil, drinking a glass of wine, dancing, squatting and finally, spicy food. However, that is where I had a problem. Spicy food didn’t really work for me for a number of reasons. One, it gave me major heartburn and acid reflux. Unfortunately, food poisoning came along with it. If you’re pregnant and have experienced food poisoning, I FEEL for you! It was like a lose, lose situation. Not to mention a loose, loose situation. Sorry to be graphic, but I didn’t know which way was up or down. I had contractions AND cramps all at the same time. Yuck. That was pretty gross. For those of you who are mothers, what are some other ways you can think of for Tamera to try naturally inducing labor? She’s asking folks to tweet her @TameraMowryTwo if you have any tips… Enjoy some pre-baby shots of Tamera and hubby Adam Housley below: Photo Credit: Katee Grace