Tag Archives: breast surgery

Sophie Turner and Some Jonas Brother’s Karate Kicking the Paprazzi of the Day

God…actors are so fucking lame…they don’t think they are because they are paid, celebrated, and thus delusional…but they are so fucking lame. Seriously, they are these vapid little assholes who are so self absorbed and into their bullshit selves, none actually have talent or are interesting, they just have these egos that are coddled by the people around them, because the people around them either make a lot of money off them, or want to be associated with them… But nothing they do, say or participate in are good, cool, interesting, or of value…if anything, it’s like you candy coated fucks have no fucking soul, creativity, and are zero interesting. Seeing these Karate Kicks for the paparazzi, just makes me wish it was a scene from one of their dumb movies, that ends in being shot in the fucking head dead. Trash….but leggings are hot on skinny bitches…doing what I assume is a lame scene from a terrible music video…clowns. I just hate knowing they probably think they are so funny…and clever….what clearly they are try hard retards. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sophie Turner and Some Jonas Brother’s Karate Kicking the Paprazzi of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sophie Turner and Some Jonas Brother’s Karate Kicking the Paprazzi of the Day

Rat Cow Reminds You How Average Looking She Is of the Day

Rat Cow does have great fake tits, but you’d think with a bellybutton like hers, if that’s even a belly button and not some really twisted and weird looking mangled growth, like a HPV wart or something else she got along the way in her quest for fame…she’d fear being in a bathing suit… Instead, she’s all body positive about it, you know the ambassador and inspiration to all freakish belly buttons out there, that if you are thin, with big tits, the world won’t care about the fleshy, outty pussy, the kind you find on a mom of 4 who has spent the last decade street whoring to 20 or more dudes a day, you know mangled….belly button you’re rocking. But I do…it freaks me the fuck out….but maybe that just comes from hating Rat Cow and all she’s done in her scam that works…maybe her mangled pussy belly button is what gives her special powers to manipulate men into paying her…but I think that’s probably more due to her awesome tits.. The post Rat Cow Reminds You How Average Looking She Is of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rat Cow Reminds You How Average Looking She Is of the Day

Ariel Winter is Such a Gross Fucking Pig of the Day

That said, I don’t mind the whole 18 year old not wearing bra movement, I’ve been around 2-3 18 year olds just randomly the last few days and none were wearing bras, all had had nipples, and everything was as magical as you’d expect… So I’m willing to accept this pudgy, thigh rubbing together, sloppy ass weirdness with a thick neck – and her sloppy already restructured thanks to breast surgery tits…unlike her mother who she’s cut ties with to go on and whore herself out for attention – because she’s been mentally and emotionally abused in being a child star…as they are… Because she reminds me of all the good going on in the young babes in no bra tight shirts… But her in and of herself is as gross as her boyfriend mooch makes you believe with his squinty sucking on lemons sour facial expression…because sometimes being a male sugar baby robs you of your soul…and masculinity. The post Ariel Winter is Such a Gross Fucking Pig of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter is Such a Gross Fucking Pig of the Day

Marietta Woman Shocked to Find Photos of Her Breasts Online After She Googled Her Name

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A Marietta woman Googling her name got a shocking surprise when she found pictures of her post-surgery breasts posted by her plastic surgeon. The school…

Marietta Woman Shocked to Find Photos of Her Breasts Online After She Googled Her Name