Tag Archives: brutal-manner


This topic really hits home for me – being a Phoenician myself- born here in Phoenix Arizona, the racial tension keeps building ever since 1070 was passed by our governor jan brewer. Its not that young arizona doesn't believe and want immigrants to become legal – its the harsh and brutal manner in which it is being upheld. families ripped apart, children and teens sent back to towns they have never experienced because they have always been a part of an american society. a society where we are taught if we do well and try hard we to can be anything we set our minds and goals to. then the harsh reality sets in , this is a pipe dream. yes immigration reform is nessesary – we need identification and means of locating individuals for criminal and tax purposes – or in emergency circumstances even – but the way Arizona has decided to go about this feels wrong and is a violation of our civil rights and demeaning to citizens of all races. added by: estee_arie