Tag Archives: buzzing-crazy

Lit Or Lethargic? J. Cole Is Dropping His New Album ‘4 Your Eyez Only’ Next Week

J. Cole Set To Release New Album ‘4 Your Eyez Only’ Next Week Let Apple tell it, Jermaine Cole is back, or at least he will be on December 9 when he releases his fourth studio album 4 Your Eyez Only . This ain’t a hoax, there is already a preorder page loaded on iTunes: The album comes exactly two years to date of his previous release 2014 Forest Hills Drive. Social media is buzzing crazy about this surprise album. What will it sound like? What will he be talking about? Will it go platinum double-platinum with no features again??? So many questions! Luckily we only have to wait 8 days to get the answers. Flip it over to see how people are reacting to the news! Image via iTunes/Dreamville/Roc Nation

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Lit Or Lethargic? J. Cole Is Dropping His New Album ‘4 Your Eyez Only’ Next Week