Tag Archives: call-it-medical

Twerking For Mother’s Day?: “Twerk For Justice, Solidarity, And Liberation!” [Video]

This chick is out there. Even so much, her youtube name and spiel tell a story of…well, you watch for yourself. Turn the page and peep this freaky-ghetto mess.

Read the original:
Twerking For Mother’s Day?: “Twerk For Justice, Solidarity, And Liberation!” [Video]

Botched Booty Implant Leaves Woman Double Amputee!: April Brown Refuses To Snitch On Backroom DR. [Video]

April Brown Double Amputee After Backroom Butt Injections Gone Wrong This is not worth it: April Brown was once a cosmetologist, fashion designer, and working mother of two daughters. She’s now a multiple amputee. She says hospitalizations after unlicensed cosmetic procedures led to life-threatening infections. Professionals removed her limbs last year to save her life. “I got the butt implants five years ago,” said Brown. “For five years, I lived in pain. Excruciating pain.” April Brown won’t identify the unlicensed practitioner who injected her with silicone. She will only say it was somewhere near Western and Manchester. Brown tells us, her own lack of self-esteem issues are mostly to blame. “They call it butt injections,” she says. “These things are done at pumping parties. They call it medical grade silicone but a lot of it is industrial grade silicone.” Brown’s case recalls similar incidents in Florida. But Brown feels she’s a survivor, empowered by the words of loved ones who feared she would die. “We don’t validate each other,” she says. “We really don’t know how our friends feel about us, unless we have very expressive friends.” Brown envisions a new career as a motivational speaker. Meanwhile, loving daughters Courtney and Dayne are grateful she’ll be home for Mother’s Day. All this over cakes? Turn the page to peep the disturbing interview with the victim… who sticks by the code of the streets AND WONT SNITCH!

Originally posted here:
Botched Booty Implant Leaves Woman Double Amputee!: April Brown Refuses To Snitch On Backroom DR. [Video]