Tag Archives: calls-cornel

How Jay-Z Spent The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11 [PHOTOS]

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New York is the city most thought of when it comes to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, and the 10th anniversary was recognized in various forms. The NFL paid tribute to those who lost their lives in this tragedy during the pre-game of the broadcast “Sunday Night Football,” and Jay-Z was on the sidelines during the game as the New York Jets beat the Dallas Cowboys. Check out Hov in the photos below… RELATED POSTS: Beyonce & Jay-Z Show Some Affection On The Streets Of NYC [PHOTOS] 10 Year Anniversary: The 7 Greatest Verses On “The Blueprint”

How Jay-Z Spent The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11 [PHOTOS]

President Barack Obama Addresses African American Issues

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Today  (September 12th), TheUrbanDaily (and its sister sites in the InteractiveOne family) presented questions to a panel of White House administration representatives. At the end of the hour-long event, President Barack Obama made a surprise appearance and outlined his plans to help African Americans seeking jobs. President Obama also spoke briefly about the importance of the online community, because it allows a “two-way conversation.” Thanks to those of you who submitted questions and comments via Facebook and Twitter to the White House. RELATED POSTS: Steve Harvey Defends President Obama, Calls Cornel West & Tavis Smiley “Uncle Toms” [AUDIO] President Obama Launches 2012 Re-Election Campaign [VIDEO]

President Barack Obama Addresses African American Issues