Tag Archives: cameraman-only

French Bulldog Puppy Discovers Door Stopper, Adorable Confusion Ensues

What… is… THIS?!?! In the latest example of a French Bulldog being totally irresistible (have you see this French Bulldog refuse to sleep ? Or these guys host a French Bulldog dance party ?), the young canine in the following video makes an amazing discovery: It’s a door stopper! And it’s positively mesmerizing!!! There’s really very little to say about this cute footage, except to wonder: Why did the cameraman only capture 54 seconds of it?!? We could watch this little guy’s reaction for hours on end. Puppy Amazed by Door Stopper Does this have you in the mood for adorable canine coverage? Have no worries. We’re here for you… 11 Dogs Suffering from Very Bad Hair Days 1. Black, White and Messy Smile, pup! You may be having a bad hair day, but you’re still very adorable.

Go here to see the original:
French Bulldog Puppy Discovers Door Stopper, Adorable Confusion Ensues