Tag Archives: cameron-talk

What’s "Fair Game" For Romney…


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The Colorado Independent’s Scot Kersgaard : “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.” With those words, Mitt Romney launches an ad campaign against President Obama. In the already famous ad, Romney uses video of Obama saying “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.” What the ad doesn’t tell you is that when Obama said those words he was quoting the John McCain… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ColoradoPols.com – Front Page Discovery Date : 22/11/2011 17:43 Number of articles : 3

What’s "Fair Game" For Romney…

Watch James Cameron Talk About the 3D Conversion of ‘Titanic’


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Here’s another one of those things that would probably be a lot more meaningful in 3D. It is a featurette in which James Cameron first explains (with as much humility as he can muster) the cultural impact of Titanic, then describes some of the process of converting the film into 3D for re-release in 2012. I’d like a lot more of the technical talk and less about how wonderful the movie is, but this… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : /Film Discovery Date : 22/11/2011 18:47 Number of articles : 2

Watch James Cameron Talk About the 3D Conversion of ‘Titanic’