Tag Archives: camille-gibson

Cheerios Executive Defends Mixed Race Ad, Will Keep It Running

Cheerios is refusing the let the bigots win. The brand found itself at the center of an unexpected controversy last week after an advertisement that featured a mixed race family was hit with racial epithets on YouTube. Controversial Cheerios Commercial But Camille Gibson – vice president of marketing for Cheerios – says the message of the spot fits in with the cereal’s Heart Healthy campaign and: “We felt like we were reflecting an American family.” The national commercial will continue running as scheduled for several months. And – despite the vocal minority online – overall, Gibson said, the feedback has been overwhelmingly supportive: “Consumers are actually responding very positively to the ad.” Thank goodness. It really is like Patton Oswalt said after the Boston bombing: the good people outnumber the bad people in this world by a large margin.

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Cheerios Executive Defends Mixed Race Ad, Will Keep It Running