Tag Archives: car-salesman

Gwen Stefani Shows Off Her Implants of the Day

There was a time when I just assumed Gwen Stefani was a dude…or that anyone who thought she was hot was into dudes. Because she lacked a certain level of femininity…and that fact that her ripped, muscular body was fine, but still manly was proven when she got married to a guy who has an ongoing love affair with trannies…it’s like he’s not about the ladies, more about the lady boys…or ladies who look like boys…but I guess pregnancy and what are probably implants, made her the girl she once tried to convince us that she was through a song dedicated to her being “Just a Girl”…kinda like when a car salesman says “TRUST ME” over and over again…and it becomes a little suspect…. Either, here’s her instagram…

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Gwen Stefani Shows Off Her Implants of the Day

Car Legend Cal Worthington — Spots Two Hotties!

Filed under: Cal Worthington , Ride Me He’s the greatest car salesman of all time — and at 89-year-old, the legendary Cal Worthington seems to have traded in his famous dog “Spot” for a pair of Icelandic babes! Cal — who’s reportedly still worth hundreds of millions of dollars — took his… Read more

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Car Legend Cal Worthington — Spots Two Hotties!