Tag Archives: carola remer

Meet Super Hottie Carola Remer

Pretty sure it’s been at least a couple of days since I’ve introduced you perverts to any new hot models, so I want you guys to meet  Carola Remer . According to my research, she’s originally from Germany, she’s currently living in New York, and she’s capable of giving me a five-alarm pants fire in under 10 seconds flat. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to creep her Instagram get to know her better. Yow! » view all 18 photos

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Meet Super Hottie Carola Remer

Carola Remer for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Carola Remer is pretty old for a model, pushing in at 25 years old, which as anyone would know means it’s retirement time for a rich guy or to move into porn… She’s German, which means that her relatives or ancestors were Nazis, and that doesn’t make her a Jewish killer, but I like to outline these important facts….when talking about Germans, the fact that she’s possibly genetically modified due to some hitler campaign to create a master race….and the only other things I know about Germans are they like beer…and Scat Fetish porn…oh and Volkswagens… She’s in Agent Provocateur, very important lingerie for the sugar babies of the world who happen to be everywhere and who think that 1500 dollar lingerie sets make their pussies more valuable, expensive and worth of rich cock that pays their rent… The post Carola Remer for Agent Provocateur of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Carola Remer for Agent Provocateur of the Day