Tag Archives: carries-racial

F**k 12: Florida Cop Repeatedly Calls Black Man “Boy” While Cursing Him Out In Front Of Infant Child

Source: Robert Alexander / Getty Broward County Cop Seen On Bodycam Calling Black Man “Boy” And Cursing Police will never get the respect they think they so richly entitled to and it’s their own damn fault. This story in the Miami Herald will illustrate exactly why this is. Deputy James Cady, an officer with a sordid history of making false arrests, is seen on bodycam footage berating a Black man, Allen Floyd, who is holding his infant son. Broward County’s bacon-wrapped-boy-in-blue cursed at Floyd repeatedly and called him “boy” more times than we can count. The incident happened in July of 2017 but only became public knowledge last month. Florida @BrowardSheriff cop with history of making false arrests harasses, curses at black father calmly holding his baby, repeatedly calls him “boy.” SEE FULL VIDEO AT https://t.co/oRNcDRb0JH pic.twitter.com/a5fYB8AoK8 — Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) February 9, 2019 Public defender Howard Finkelstein wrote a letter to new Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony to let it be known that Cady is a piece of s#!t who is out of order. He didn’t use those exact words, but that’s our less-tempered interpretation. “Deputy Cady’s verbal assault coupled with him choking an otherwise cooperative bystander can only be characterized as unlawful touching,” Finkelstein wrote. “In addition, Deputy Cady’s use of the term “boy” is offensive, condescending and demeaning. It carries racial connotations when used while addressing an adult black male.” Cady has been under investigation by Internal Affairs since 2003 for one reason or another, not so surprisingly, none of those investigations resulted in any significant discipline. F**k 12.

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F**k 12: Florida Cop Repeatedly Calls Black Man “Boy” While Cursing Him Out In Front Of Infant Child