Tag Archives: cars-crashed

Rachel Hunter looks so good she stops traffic , abruptly!!


Rachel Hunter was shopping in Hollywood this afternoon and stopped traffic, literally. She was crossing the street and two cars crashed right beside her.

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Rachel Hunter looks so good she stops traffic , abruptly!!

Jason Statham and Ben Foster Fix Almost Everybody in The Mechanic Trailer

Of course by “fix,” I actually mean kill…with assault rifles, cars crashed through buses and more. Yep, it’s the trailer for the remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson movie that involves an ace hitman (Jason Statham in this case) who takes on an apprentice (Ben Foster) with with quite a bit of reluctance. That is, until their company betrays them and kills Statham’s friend and Foster’s father; then it’s time for the two to put their differences aside, grab their tools (read: guns) and go to work.

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Jason Statham and Ben Foster Fix Almost Everybody in The Mechanic Trailer