Tag Archives: casual-hotness

Sophie Simmons Is Letting The Goods Hang Out

Celebrity daughters can kinda be a mixed bag, but considering Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ kid, I’d say she turned out better than expected. And by that I’m talking about her hotness obviously. She could be spoiled rotten, and I wouldn’t know or care. As long as she keeps showing up to movie premieres with her cleavage out, she should have a bright future ahead of her. In fact, pretty soon we might have to start calling Gene “Sophie Simmons’ dad.” You know, instead of “that old lady from KISS.” » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sophie Simmons Is Letting The Goods Hang Out

Olivia Munn Knows How To Hail A Cab

This isn’t exactly what I meant when I said that Olivia Munn needed to step her game up . I was talking more about doing bikini jumping jacks, or bikini yoga, or really just about anything in a bikini. But you know what, I’m still liking this look. Hey, it’s all about positive reinforcement and baby steps. We’ll start with casual hotness and work our way up to hailing a cab in a bikini. Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait. Related Articles: Olivia Munn Is Cleavage Girl Of The Week Oliva Munn Does Complex Olivia Munn Almost Takes Down A Wiener Whole Olivia Munn’s See Through Moment Needs Work Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Olivia Munn Knows How To Hail A Cab