Tag Archives: catch-the-jobs

Hailey Baldwin Side Boob of the Day

The most interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin is that her dad is in business with the PILLOW MAN. If you have TV, you know who the PILLOW MAN is. Some ex crackhead, turned PILLOW billionaire all through informercials. They own some Jesus media company, because like many ex drug addicts, they’ve down Jesus. That’s the most interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin. The second most interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin – is that she’s Ireland Baldwin’s cousin who stole Ireland Baldwin’s dream… The least interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin is that she’s some bootleg Kardashain / Jenner / Hadid, attaching herself to as many of the things they do, to seem like she is as relevant as them, and when they fall off because rich girls are lazy, Hailey Baldwin will be positioned to catch the jobs. It’s boring bottom feeding on a high level…and I prefer girls who pave their own way being whores…. But I guess she has to be cautious about her whoring – thanks…to her dad and PILLOW man being Jesus freaks..who exploit and misinterpet Jesus for their own narcisstic needs. All this to say, who gives a fuck about Hailey Baldwin… The post Hailey Baldwin Side Boob of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailey Baldwin Side Boob of the Day