Tag Archives: caught creepin'

Reading Is Fun-damental: 10 Of Hottest “Hood Classic” Books And Their Authors

Check out our list of favorite books about crime, sex, and hood affairs Black folks are often criticized for rarely reading or not reading at all. While it is true that we, as a people, could probably stand to do MORE reading, there are several books that have been read in damn-near every hood in America. Although we would encourage people to read books that can provide knowledge, and depth of understanding, there is nothin’ wrong with sitting in your favorite seat and reading great works of urban fiction, street tales, gangsta isht, and coming-of-age narratives. Over the next few pages we have compiled a list of books that you’ve probably read (or at least heard of) that we would consider “hood classics”. Tomorrow we will have a list of more “intellectual” books that are just as entertaining and equally as important (if not more so).

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Reading Is Fun-damental: 10 Of Hottest “Hood Classic” Books And Their Authors