Jessica Simpson Big Tits…Thick Legs…why not celebrate girls who get multi-million dollar contracts to lose weight and pretend a weightloss program actually works, after gaining a ton of weight after singing that contract, instead of losing that weight… Only, she eventually strapped down to hire a chef and training to get to this level of very strong looking legs….because I guess she didn’t want to pay out… This was all while not losing her tits…tits that used to mean something… Now they were an old, washed up and belong to a mom…..with a lot of fucking money…that don’t need to work ever again…but who at one time was like a Kardashian with a reality show. But still tits…with hard nipples…as tits tend to do… I am glad she’s not covering her tits like the girl at the grocery store was earlier today, I just didn’t understand how girls are still shy about hard nipples in the heat-to-air-conditioning…struggles of the summer… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jessica Simpson’s an Old Lady with Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Jessica Simpson’s an Old Lady with Hard Nipples of the Day