Tag Archives: center-focusing

Developers For Muslim Community Center Near World Trade Center Revamp Their Plans

These folks are really on a mission. Guess one monkey don’t stop no show… Activist Daisy Khan said Tuesday that she and her husband, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, have spent some seven months having planning discussions with the relatives of 9/11 victims, first responders and others, talking about alternative concepts for the center, including the possibility that it could become a multi-faith center focusing on religious conflict. Speaking to reporters at a luncheon organized by More magazine, Khan also said the center she and her husband have been discussing might no longer be suited to the current planned location. The couple’s ability to turn such brainstorming sessions into reality, however, isn’t clear. The developer of the Islamic center, Sharif El-Gamal, announced in January that Rauf would no longer be involved in planning the center. Khan has never had a formal role in the project. The two sides don’t appear headed for a reconciliation. El-Gamal’s plans for the center remain unchanged, according to a spokesman. They call for a large health club, day care center and cultural gallery to be built over a subterranean mosque. El-Gamal has repeatedly said he isn’t open to major alterations to that concept and has spent the past few months putting together plans, arranging financing and establishing a nonprofit group to oversee the center. Maybe their new project will be located somewhere a little less controversial. Source

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Developers For Muslim Community Center Near World Trade Center Revamp Their Plans