Tag Archives: certain-buttons

Katherine Webb Apologizes, Swears: I’m Not Racist!

Katherine Webb probably wishes the biggest scandal in her life revolved again around Brent Musberger again right about now. The model finds herself in trouble due to an incident on Twiter last night when the mother of boyfriend AJ McCarron wrote of an interview with Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston: “Am I listening to English?” The brunette beauty Favorited that Tweet, which led many followers to accuse her of racism. But Webb quickly addressed the issue and blamed the location of certain buttons on the social media service. “The idea that I am a racist is absolutely stupid and it needs to stop. I was scrolling through my TL and that tweet was accidentally FAV,” Webb wrote. Webb then lamented how the “friggin buttons are right under the actual tweet” when challenged by a user and said this sort of thing “happens all the time.” Dee Dee McCarron, meanwhile, has deleted the original message and Webb has taken to Twitter once more to state: “Any1 that knows our family knows we r far from racist. My tweet was not in anyway meant that way. I sincerely apologize if it offended any1.” We believe her. Now we’d just like to see some more Katherine Webb bikini photos . Please!

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Katherine Webb Apologizes, Swears: I’m Not Racist!