Tag Archives: chakakhan

Kate Beckinsale Hangs with Her Dog

While out with her daughter Lily in L.A. this weekend, Kate Beckinsale dangled her dog more than two feet off the ground from its leash.

Kate Beckinsale
It appears the 36-year-old had her dog strapped into one of those harness thingies — so it seems the doggy’s body weight didn’t completely choke out the little guy … but even Michael Vick knows better than this…

Kate Beckinsale Hangs with Her Dog

Chaka Khan vs. Sheila E. : Who’d You Rather?

Filed under: Who’d You Rather? Music divas Chaka Khan and Sheila E. frizzed out at a charity event in Santa Monica this weekend.Question is ..

See the original post here:
Chaka Khan vs. Sheila E. : Who’d You Rather?