Tag Archives: chaneya-kelly

Epitome Of A Bad Daughter: Woman Who Lied About Father Having Forced Sex With Her Admits She Lied, Gets Him Sentenced To 40 Years

Wow, she put her father away for 40 years. Woman Admits She Lied About Father Having Forced Sex With Her According to The NY Daily News Nearly 16 years after a New York man was jailed for having forced sex with his 9-year-old daughter, that victim has publicly come forward admitting that she lied all along. Chaneya Kelly, now 24, says the graphic stories she told about her father that sentenced him to 20-to-40 years in prison were never true. “I’m 24 years old and I made this mistake when I was 9 years old,” she told NBC, “but it’s never too late to try and right your wrong.” It was October, 1997 when Chaneya says her mother, a former drug abuser and occasional prostitute for drug money, pulled her aside while she was leaving their bathroom in Newburgh. “She repeatedly asked me, has my dad touched me,” recalled Chaneya. “I was like, ‘What do you mean, did he touch me?’ And she was like, ‘Did he touch you in your no-no spot?’ And I would repeatedly say no.” Her father, Daryl Kelly, a Navy veteran and married father of five, had been trying to kick a drug habit himself at the time but never harmed her in any way, she’d later say. But her mother, not hearing what she wanted, became demanding, until allegedly threatening her: “If you don’t tell me the answer that I want to hear, I’m going to beat you.” The 9-year-old succumbed to her threats, allowing her mother to call the police and take down her daughter’s statements, after allegedly going over exactly what her father had allegedly done to her. Since then Daryl Kelly has filed multiple appeals that have been denied. After Chaneya was permitted to visit her father in prison at the age of 16, she says she’s been fortunate enough to renew their relationship after he accepted her apology. A photo of the daughter’s visit to New York’s Green Haven Correctional Facility in January shows the pair together, Daryl Kelly holding Chaneya’s newborn son, Julian. Recalling the first time she was able to see him, she says he told her that he still loves her dearly. “The first thing my dad did was that he hugged me and he told me that he loved me and … that he doesn’t blame me for anything,” Chaneya recalled. “It was priceless to me.” State prosecutors are said to be currently reviewing his case. Daryl Kelly says that even if he serves out his sentence he won’t be vindicated unless cleared of wrong-doing. “It’s not just for me,” he told NBC, “It’s for my daughter as well.” Would you be able to forgive your daughter? NBC News

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Epitome Of A Bad Daughter: Woman Who Lied About Father Having Forced Sex With Her Admits She Lied, Gets Him Sentenced To 40 Years