Tag Archives: cheap-or-free

Brokie Twitter’s Ashy Air Mattress Army Stirred Up Hilarious “Pre-Date” Hysteria

How guys let their predates know which one has earned the right to go to Outback pic.twitter.com/b1x0WhpGsm — The Nerve. The Audacity… (@BienSur_JeTaime) May 29, 2018 Black Twitter’s Hilariously Ashy “Pre-Date” Debate Breaks Twitter Turn with us to the Book of Brokie where you’ll learn about a tragically ashy Twitter phenomenon called “pre-dating” where dusty crusty mouth-breathers take women on extremely cheap or free outings before the first real date. No, seriously, this apparently happens in real life between grown adults and sent all of Black Twitter spiraling into a TIZZY. Wtf is a “pre-date”? pic.twitter.com/rzGLrx1oMZ — (@MJB_30) May 28, 2018 Peep the hilarious “pre-date” chaos on Twitter on the flip.

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Brokie Twitter’s Ashy Air Mattress Army Stirred Up Hilarious “Pre-Date” Hysteria