Tag Archives: cheat-on-demi

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Introduce Twins to the World

Mariah Carey may soon release a duet with Justin Bieber , but she made news this week for hanging with even younger, more adorable children. The singer and husband Nick Cannon showed off six-month-old twins Moroccan and Monroe to the world! “It’s just love,” Carey told Barbara Walters in an interview with her family and about her family. “It’s a beautiful place to be.” The couple is unlikely to have more kids, Carey said, due to her difficult pregnancy. But she could not be happy with the new little men in her life – or with the big one, Cannon. Following a failed marriage to Tommy Mottola in 1998, it took awhile for the artist to be ready to truly fall for anyone else. “Initially I was afraid of the concept of marriage [again],” Mariah said. “But this is a different situation and a different time in my life… No one will steal my spirit.”

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Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Introduce Twins to the World

Nicole Scherzinger and Lewis Hamilton Split. Again.

Nicole Scherzinger can now devote all of her attention to The X Factor . Following a back-and-forth four-year relationship with racecar driver Lewis Hamilton, sources tell Us Weekly this couple has finally called it quits. “They were just never together and saw no end to that,” an insider said . “Their careers have them working in separate places. Being apart that much never works, so they decided to end it.” Scherzinger and Hamilton met backstage at the MTV Europe Awards in Munich, Germany in November 2007. They split in January 2010, but reconciled soon after. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Nicole Scherzinger and Lewis Hamilton Split. Again.

Ashton Kutcher Addresses Media on "State of Truth," Doesn’t Wear Wedding Ring

Note to Ashton Kutcher : if you did not cheat on Demi Moore with Sara Leal , come out and say it. Don’t post some mysterious, random video. Amidst infidelity rumors and divorce chatter, the actor has posted a message on obscure social network Chime.In that begins with: “I just wanted to open up a little dialogue on the state of honesty. The state of truth. The status of truth as it pertains to literature and media.” Kutcher goes on to blab about how the Internet has led to the onslaught of irresponsible journalism and rumor mongering, preaching: “We are our own editors, we are our own publishers and we are our own printers. Therefore, people can bastardize the truth in any way, shape or form that they want and spread that around the world. A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can leave someone’s lips.” Then perhaps you ought to tell us the truth, idiot, instead of standing on a soapbox and acting above it all. Watch the full video now , take note of no wedding ring on Kutcher’s finger and respond: Do you think Kutcher cheated on Moore with Leal?

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Ashton Kutcher Addresses Media on "State of Truth," Doesn’t Wear Wedding Ring