A new season of Kate Gosselin’s reality show premiered on TLC this week, and even though Kate Plus 8 ratings have hit an all-time low, interest in the 40-year-old’s sordid past has never been higher. Excerpts from Gosselin’s diary, which were originally published in Robert Hoffman’s tell-all, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World , have been making the rounds online, and many fans and Kate-haters alike have been surprised by the bombshell revelations they contain. Yesterday, we shared a passage in which Kate admits to physically abusing her children . Today’s entry shows a different side of the famously unstable mother of eight, as Kate writes about her desire to adopt a ninth child from Korea. “Lately Jon and I have been talking about adopting our baby from Korea,” she wrote in an entry from December 24, 2006. “Jon is not totally opposed to the idea and is actually nicely entertaining the idea, which is quite nice for me!” Yes, it seems there was a time when Kate was eager to add to her already massive brood. Thankfully, she didn’t go through with it. Kate Plus 9 just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Oh, and there’s also that whole business about her being a horribly abusive mother. Watch Kate Plus 8 online at TV Fanatic to remind yourself why it’s a very good thing that Kate doesn’t have more kids.
See the original post here:
Kate Gosselin: Plans to Adopt a NINTH Child Revealed!