A Video I Made for Justin Bieber using the song “A Girl Can Dream” by PYT Lyrics: When I was a child the story would say Somebody would sweep you off your feet someday That’s what I hoped would happen with you More than you could know I wanted to tell you that my heart’s in your hands I prayed for the day when I would get the chance Just when I worked up the courage to try Much to my surprise You had somebody else Cuz these feelings I keep to myself [CHORUS:] I may never get to hold you so tight I may never get to kiss you goodnight I may never get to look deep in your eyes Or so it seems I always will be wishing you were mine I think about what could be all the time All the happiness that I could find Baby a girl can dream From the moment I wake up ‘Til I fall asleep I imagine you not with her but with me Talkin’ and laughin’ Sharin’ our dreams It’s just a fantasy Cuz you had somebody else Cuz these feelings I keep to myself [REPEAT CHORUS] A girl can dream it’s true And to call you my own Is the sweetest dream of all [REPEAT CHORUS] Oh a girl can dream http://www.youtube.com/v/txgOh-l6LCo?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Original post: A Girl Can Dream (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics
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A Girl Can Dream (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics