Tag Archives: childs-pictures

Amy Childs Is Looking Leggy

Normally when I do a post on a busty British hottie like Amy Childs , I don’t pay much attention to their lower halves. But after seeing these pictures of Amy at the Now Magazine Summer Party, I realized maybe I’ve been missing something all these years, because this is a pretty solid leg show. So I guess now I have to go back through the archives to see what else I might’ve missed, and that could take all day… If I’m lucky. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Amy Childs Is Red Hot

Because there’s no product on Earth that couldn’t use a busty British spokesmodel, here’s one of my all-time favorites Amy Childs in London plugging beauty supplies by stuffing those perfect funbags of hers into a tight dress. And if you ask me, it’s definitely working. Because whatever she’s selling, I’m buying. Even though I’m pretty sure it’s spray tanning, and getting a tan would be going against everything I stand for as a blogger. Whatever. For Amy, it’s worth it. Photos: WENN.com

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Amy Childs Is Red Hot

Amy Childs Is Busting Out Big Time

Here’s one of my all-time favorite busty Brits Amy Childs making an appearance at something called the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham. Which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, since I’ve always preferred Amy in as little clothing as possible. But I guess that’s why she’s got those epic funbags of hers covered up in these shots. It’s all part of the theme. In which case, can someone tell me when they’re holding the annual No Clothes Show? Because if they’re still looking for a venue this year, I’d be happy to offer up my mom’s basement. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Amy Childs Is Busting Out Big Time

Here’s one of my all-time favorite busty Brits Amy Childs making an appearance at something called the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham. Which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, since I’ve always preferred Amy in as little clothing as possible. But I guess that’s why she’s got those epic funbags of hers covered up in these shots. It’s all part of the theme. In which case, can someone tell me when they’re holding the annual No Clothes Show? Because if they’re still looking for a venue this year, I’d be happy to offer up my mom’s basement. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Amy Childs’ Red Hot Cleavage Show

Amy Childs has always been one of my favorite British hotties, and these pictures of her busting out and looking red-hot at the Horrible Bosses 2 in London are a pretty good indication why. Anyway, I know that I probably call just about every busty Brit my favorite, but hey, I just figure that if I keep it up, one of them is bound to find it charming and agree to let me motorboat them one of these days. Fingers crossed! » view all 43 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Amy Childs’ Red Hot Cleavage Show

Amy Childs’ Red Hot Cleavage Show

Amy Childs has always been one of my favorite British hotties, and these pictures of her busting out and looking red-hot at the Horrible Bosses 2 in London are a pretty good indication why. Anyway, I know that I probably call just about every busty Brit my favorite, but hey, I just figure that if I keep it up, one of them is bound to find it charming and agree to let me motorboat them one of these days. Fingers crossed! » view all 43 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Amy Childs’ Red Hot Cleavage Show

Amy Childs’s Cleavage Show

I don’t know what Amy Childs is trying to prove lately, but she has dialed down the sex appeal and trying to be recognized as a modern career woman. Such a waste because no one will ever buy it! Sure she is showing impressive cleavage at the 2014 MOBO Awards and I’m can’t complain about that, but there’s a whole lot more going on under that dress that needs to be exposed and I’m dying to see it. » view all 21 photos           Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Amy Childs Works A Hula Hoop Good!

According to my sources, these shots of Amy Childs showing off her hula hoop skills were to launch something called Big Dance classes in London. And I don’t know what dance classes have to do with hula hoops, but believe me, I’m not complaining about seeing Amy move her hips. At least not when I’ve got much bigger things to complain about: like the fact that the busty Brit wasn’t wearing something as low-cut as she normally does , why there’s no slow-motion video to go along with these pictures, and most importantly, why she wasn’t jumping rope instead. Talk about a missed opportunity. » view all 17 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Amy Childs’ Bikini Pictures Are Special

I can’t remember the last time we got a new set of bikini pictures from Amy Childs , so this latest photoshoot is definitely cause for celebration. So I recommend you go and tell your boss you’re going to be taking the rest of the day off for this very special occasion. Because let’s be honest, there’s no way anyone should be expected to be able to get any work done after they’ve seen pictures like these. Enjoy.

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Amy Childs’ Bikini Pictures Are Special

Amy Childs’ Birthday Cleavage

Here’s Amy Childs celebrating her birthday at Cafe de Paris, and while I’m a little bummed I wasn’t invited, I’m glad to see that she at least got me something: these awesome cleavage shots. It’s just what I always wanted, how did she know? Hopefully Amy actually remembers to invite me next year though, because what good is a present if you can’t unwrap it and play with it? » view all 39 photos Related Articles: Amy Childs Is My Kind Of Lady Amy Childs Hides Her Only Talents Amy Childs’ Big Breasts In A Little Top Amy Childs Works Her Impressive Figure Photos: WENN.com

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Amy Childs’ Birthday Cleavage