Tag Archives: clan-managed

Caitlyn, Kris And Crew: The Kardashian Clan Celebrates Thanksgiving — But Where Is Rob??

Kardashian Thanksgiving Photos Despite health issues , breakups, pregnancy problems , and overall family drama , the Kardashian clan managed to all make it home for the holidays to share a family feast together for Thanksgiving. Khloe seems to have been cleared to leave the hospital and spend quality time with her fam, and even Scott was back in the mix to have Daddy quality time with his three kids — and Kourtney as well , it seems. Both Kim and Kylie shared the below snap of (almost) the whole gang, noting how thankful they were for their blended family. THANKFUL A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Nov 26, 2015 at 6:55pm PST Hmmm, no brother Rob in sight. Maybe he’s the one who took the picture?? Hit the flip for more… Instagram

See original here:
Caitlyn, Kris And Crew: The Kardashian Clan Celebrates Thanksgiving — But Where Is Rob??

Caitlyn, Kris And Crew: The Kardashian Clan Celebrates Thanksgiving — But Where Is Rob??

Kardashian Thanksgiving Photos Despite health issues , breakups, pregnancy problems , and overall family drama , the Kardashian clan managed to all make it home for the holidays to share a family feast together for Thanksgiving. Khloe seems to have been cleared to leave the hospital and spend quality time with her fam, and even Scott was back in the mix to have Daddy quality time with his three kids — and Kourtney as well , it seems. Both Kim and Kylie shared the below snap of (almost) the whole gang, noting how thankful they were for their blended family. THANKFUL A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Nov 26, 2015 at 6:55pm PST Hmmm, no brother Rob in sight. Maybe he’s the one who took the picture?? Hit the flip for more… Instagram

See original here:
Caitlyn, Kris And Crew: The Kardashian Clan Celebrates Thanksgiving — But Where Is Rob??