Tag Archives: clearly-very

Paris Hilton Would Be The Perfect Depend’s Spokesmodel

With all that distracting pushed-up cleavage of hers on display, it took me a while to notice the wet spot on the back of Paris Hilton ‘s dress in these shots. But now that I have (and I’m betting so has the rest of the blogging world), I’m pretty sure this has to qualify as Paris’ most embarrassing “wardrobe malfunction” yet. But hey, on the plus side, I think we’ve finally figured out what Paris’ next gig can be: as Depend’s first under-60 spokesmodel. » view all 20 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Nadia Forde Is A Hottie I Need To Know

I know I’m supposed to be up on all the latest busty hotties out there, but it’s a full-time job just keeping track of which ones I already proposed to. So can anyone help me out and tell me who this Nadia Forde chick is? Because after seeing these pictures of her at the European premiere of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb in London, I only know two things about her: that she’s clearly very “talented,” and that I’m pretty sure I’m in love. You can feel love in your pants, right? » view all 22 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Draya Michele’s Cleavage Show

As far as I can remember, this busty hottie Draya Michele is some kind of reality TV star, and as you can see, she’s clearly very talented. Especially in the front meat department. Anyway, according to my research, Draya’s “reality TV famous” from being on the show Basketball Wives LA , and for anybody out there (aka my mom) wondering why no enterprising TV executive has made a spin-off and done a show called Blogger Wives yet, it’s because I’m pretty sure they don’t exist. But hey, maybe with Draya’s help, we could finally change that. I’m game if she is. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Draya Michele’s Cleavage Show

Fanny Francois Is My Next Future Ex-Wife

Since you guys seemed to enjoy the last time I did a post on Fanny Francois , here’s even more lingerie hotness from the Belgian model, with a few great bikini shots thrown in for good measure. And I’m hoping that after this we’ll start to see a whole lot more of Fanny in the future, because she’s clearly very talented. In fact, I’d say all she needs to really take her career to the next level is a famous ex-husband. I’m not sure how many future ex-Mrs. Tunas I’m up to these days, but I’d be happy to add Fanny’s name to the waiting list. » view all 29 photos

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Fanny Francois Is My Next Future Ex-Wife