Tag Archives: clementi-woods

Ang Soo Hoon kills Celine Ng Swee Peng

Ang Soo Hoon, who was Celine Ng Swee Peng#39;s housemate, is accused of killing the 37-year-old property agent at West Coast Crescent#39;s West Bay Condominium between 3am and 9.50am on May 26. A 36-year-old derivatives trader has been charged with the murder of Celine Ng Swee Peng, whose decomposed body was found in Clementi Woods Park on July 6. The boyish, bespectacled Ang, looked worried when the charge was read out to her. She appeared as though she had been crying and avoided eye contac

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Ang Soo Hoon kills Celine Ng Swee Peng