Tag Archives: cold-cou-cou

Pon De Baby: Could Thick-Thighed RihRih Be Hiding A Pregnancy?

True or false??? Rihanna Hit With Pregnancy Rumors After ogling Rihanna’s thicker than cold cou-cou cakes… several fans are wondering if the Bajan baddie is hiding some BIG news. Rih Rih was spotted spending her Memorial Day weekend in NYC with a seemingly strategically placed purse… and it’s got folks convinced that she’s PREGNANT. https://twitter.com/LKLS_5/status/869181536360427520 https://twitter.com/holyshiranui/status/869179641797464064 https://twitter.com/ANTlJANE/status/868964429895020545 There’s NO way, Rih’s pregnant. Riiiight? Do YOU think Rih Rih’s got a baby on the way or is she just enjoying life? It would explain this oversized get up, right??? More photos on the flip. Rihanna also recently wore this oversized outfit. https://www.instagram.com/p/BUfWoc7D3xO/?taken-by=badgalriri https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSb-6rDXqn/?taken-by=badgalriri https://www.instagram.com/p/BUQc-cijodx/?taken-by=badgalriri

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Pon De Baby: Could Thick-Thighed RihRih Be Hiding A Pregnancy?