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The Bachelor Women Tell All: What Did We Learn?!?

We know a couple things that were NOT discussed during this week's Women Tell All special, which aired six days prior to The Bachelor season finale: What it was like to have sex with Colton Underwood, since the star has never done this deed. What it's like to be head over heels in love with Colton, since it seems like every other suitor has left the show of her own volition due to a lack of strong feelings. This second point isn't literally the case, of course, but just this past Monday, betting favorite Cassie Randolph chose to walk away rather than risk a proposal from Underwood. What does Cassie think now of her decision? What do other women think of Colton and their experience overall? Scroll down for a recap of this explosive and emotional tell-all… 1. What Colton Present for This Special? Yes, he sat and talked with Chris Harrison for a bit about the season, which has seen him shed many tears and even flee from the cameras by jumping over a fence that surrounds the Bachelor mansion at one point. 2. Did He Sleep with Anyone During the Special? What? No. What a weird question. He’s a virgin. 3. Let’s Get to the Bombshells! We need to start with Courtney and Demi — because they argued for a bit before Courtney actually approached her rival and shoved a pacifier in her mouth. 4. Pardon? A Pacifier?!? Yes. The women proceeded to throw the baby accessory back and forth at each other as Demi yelled for security and Courtney told her to take a time out. 5. See! Look! “You act like a child,” Courtney said. “All you did was constantly open your mouth about other people. Anytime I had an issue with you, I pulled you aside.” 6. What About Onyeka and Nicole? On the specicla, Nicole once again saud Onyeka bullied her, to which Onyeka tried to give her a vocabulary lesson – “The definition of bully is someone who intentionally tries to intimidate someone that they believe is inferior to them” – and asked Nicole for an example. When Nicole attempted to give her one, Onyeka went all Ariana Grande and replied: “Thank you, next.” View Slideshow

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The Bachelor Women Tell All: What Did We Learn?!?