As you may have heard – and possibly blocked out of your memory with the help of dozens of expensive therapy sessions – Mama June Shannon and Sugar Bear are currently starring on Marriage Boot Camp and providing intimate details about their sex life. Fortunately, the biggest surprise so far has nothing to do with anyone willingly having sex with Mama June, which – like the size of our ever-expanding universe – is something that no human being can fully comprehend. Last week's episode contained the bombshell revelation that June believes Sugar Bear is gay . This week, SB basically said, “Yep,” and then spit some tabacky into a nearby Folger's tin. “Don't bring this up with nobody else 'cause I don't want this out there: I have experimented with guys,” he tells June in the clip below. “Oh my god,” she responds, before adding in a confessional, “He tells me that he’s went to 'the other side.'” “That’s not my cup of tea,” Sugar Bear clarifies. “It's just something I was curious about, experimented with it, and it's over with and done with, and that's it, won't ever happen again.” Don't worry, Suge gets far more specific in the clip. We wouldn't want to spoil it for you, but let's just say he may have finally found a hobby where his lack of teeth might come in handy. Watch Marriage Boot Camp online for more revelations from reality TV's most WTF? couple.
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Sugar Bear Comes Out: I’ve Experimented With Guys!