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Florida Crazies: Man Stopped For Speeding On Highway But Tells Police He’s On His Way To Kill Friend

SMH !! Man Stopped For Speeding And Tells Cops He’s On Way To Kill Friend Alberto Moreno drove past an officer at such high speed, the officer just saw a blur and felt his car shake. Another law officer said Moreno’s pick-up went “so fast that a speed was unable to be determined.” Via TCPalm reports: When investigators on Feb. 18 finally stopped Moreno, 45, in Fort Pierce, he slurred out “that he was on his way to kill his friend for screwing him over earlier that day and that he knew he was speeding and all over the road as well as drunk,” a recently released arrest affidavit states. Moreno, whose shirt was inside out and backwards, smelled of booze. He said he’d been imbibing all day, saying he’d just come from his house where he’d quaffed a half dozen beers. While investigators couldn’t determine the speed Moreno’s pick-up was traveling, it likely did not make the jump to light speed, something only select space ships, such as the Millennium Falcon, are capable. Investigators asked Moreno whether he’d complete field sobriety exercises. He said he’d be glad to, and stepped out of his GMC pick-up, losing his balance. After performing field sobriety exercises, Moreno, of the 200 block of Southwest Tulip Boulevard in Port St. Lucie, was arrested on a DUI charge. He evidently didn’t make it to his friend’s house. Stay classy Florida!

See the original post here:
Florida Crazies: Man Stopped For Speeding On Highway But Tells Police He’s On His Way To Kill Friend