I have no idea why, but I’ve been listening to outlaw country for as long as I can remember…For some reason I relate to the working class, drunken anti-establishment, broken heart tormented soul shit…it’s like real music that comes from a dark place…good times… Whenever I ask an asshole, who usually has a vagina, and is usually all mainstream and annoying, what kind of music they like and they say “ANYTHING BUT COUNTRY”…I lose it on them….not only is it the most obvious cliche answer I’ve been hearing for decades that reminds me we are amongst drones who just want to fit in….it is the kind of shit that leads to me hate fucking them without a condom hoping I give them whatever STD I’m packing…. There is good country music…don’t let Garth Brooks or who ever else who ruined country fool you…Sure 99 percent of the good shit I listen to is from the 40s to 70s, but there’s that 1% ….. who is still out there grinding out Outlaw Country….pretty much an Ambassador to the shit because he grew up in and around it knowing all the people who dominated it….making him an expert… His name is Shooter Jennings . I’m a fan of what he’s doing, I follow him on twitter and he just released a new song …that you should check out….cuz we need more real music on the radios….I’m just letting you know what’s up… PREVIEW THE SONG / Buy it if you are a Real Man CHECK IT OUT HERE
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Shooter Jennings Has a New Song, Listen to It of the Day