Tag Archives: condoms-bound

God Don’t Like Smuggling! Officials Find 14 Condoms Stuffed With Yayo On Their Way To Vatican City

Pope Francis is a pretty cool guy, but Drugs are still BAD m’kay ?! German Officials Seize 14 Cocaine Filled Condoms Bound For Vatican City 12 ounces of yayo were discovered packed inside 14 condoms hidden within a package of cushions coming from South America! The contraband condoms were seized by officials at Germany’s Leipzig airport this January, it was revealed Sunday in German weekly Bild am Sonntag . The box was addressed to the Vatican postal office, which means that any of Vatican City’s 800 residents could have picked it up. Apparently whoever was intended to receive the drugs must’ve learned that it had been intercepted because no one came to retrieve the box after a sting operation was set up with Vatican police. The value of the narcotics is estimated at several tens of thousands of euros. The investigation remains open, according to Vatican spokesman, Rev. Federico Lombardi, who also confirmed that Vatican police were working with German police to track down the responsible parties.

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God Don’t Like Smuggling! Officials Find 14 Condoms Stuffed With Yayo On Their Way To Vatican City