Tag Archives: constantly-say

Annalynne McCord Useless But Decent LOoking Ass in a Bikini of the Day

As embarrassing as Annalynne McCord’s career is, you know working for free for 90210 the NExt Generation because they had no budget, but they did have the promise to put her on TV, something she’s wanted since she was a slut in high school who would constantly say shit like “one day I’ll be famous”…”I’ll be on TV”….”when I come home to visit, you’ll all want my autograph”….you know the level of desperate, pathetic, and aggressive in a “Take anything you can get even if it only offers you room and board cuz being on TV is payment enough, even if it is a show that hardly exists, no one watches, and that above all else fucking sucks and should never have happened”….because she still gets to be shot by paparazzi and attend celeb events, which is better than being knocked up back home with the high school star football player turned maintenance guy at the same school he was once hero of…. She still looks good enough to look at in a bikini. I figure if they’re willing to get half naked, I’m willing to watch….career choices, relevance, even tit size, just doesn’t matter. To See The Rest of the PIcs FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Annalynne McCord Useless But Decent LOoking Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Representative Gabrielle Giffords shooting update

Gabrielle Giffords, 40, was shot in the head and remains in critical condition. Lemole adds that while it#39;s good news the Arizona Democrat has “done so well” with an injury where survival and recovery are “abysmal,” he also urges patience. “This is where we constantly say it#39;s week to week, month to month. I know everyone wants new results every day but as long as we don#39;t backslide and as long as she holds her own, that#39;s good. That keeps us hopeful,” he said. “We have to play this

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Representative Gabrielle Giffords shooting update