Tag Archives: convey-racial

Winona Ryder, James Franco Set for Mind-Warping Drama The Stare

An artist struggles with her latest work, haunted by paranoid visions to the point that she questions her sanity. Is it just us, or does Winona Ryder’s next film, The Stare , sound a little — okay, a lot — like her last film, Black Swan ? Fine. Black Swan didn’t also have James Franco portraying some sort of performer. That doesn’t sound familiar, either.

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Winona Ryder, James Franco Set for Mind-Warping Drama The Stare

The Help Trailer: Maid in Mississippi

Recently released stills of Dreamworks’s The Help looked stern, but the new trailer for the film stamps smiles on Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Emma Stone’s faces. But is this film set in early ’60s Mississippi too lighthearted to convey racial tensions without that Blind Side soupcon of condescension?

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The Help Trailer: Maid in Mississippi