Tag Archives: cried-on-oprah

Pharrell’s "Happy" Music Video With No Music Is, Well, Still Happy

No other song routinely has us toe-tapping and nodding along at our desks like Pharrell’s “Happy.” Some of us even shed a tear along with him when Pharrell cried on Oprah about how people’s enjoyment of the song had touched his life. But what happens when the “Happy” music video has no music?  It’s still full of happy, that’s what. Pharrell – Happy (With No Music) Sure, it begins with Pharrell singing along to himself in a dark, creepy alley and why is he there? But then it becomes a montage of people enjoying themselves which is a pretty cool thing to see.  They dance along and bust some moves and sometimes belt out the songs in their heads. It’s probably something we could all do more often. Just for comparison, here’s the original “Happy” music video. Pharrell Williams – Happy (Music Video)

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Pharrell’s "Happy" Music Video With No Music Is, Well, Still Happy