Tag Archives: crushing-blow

MJ Estate Shuts Down ‘Moonwalker’ Screening

Filed under: Michael Jackson , Movies Another crushing blow to Michael Jackson fans … TMZ has learned the MJ estate has blocked an L.A. movie company from finally screening ” Moonwalker ” in an American theater. The ArcLight theater had been on the hunt for a film print of the 1988… Read more

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MJ Estate Shuts Down ‘Moonwalker’ Screening

The World’s Gone Mad, Men: Christina Hendricks Has Implants!

Natural knocker enthusiasts were dealt a crushing blow this week when evidence surfaced that the massive mammaries of Mad Men star Christina Hendricks may be as phony baloney as the IBM Selectric II typewriter at her desk (they weren’t made until 1973). The questions began when Playboy tweeted this picture with the question: “Who is the famous actress in this photo from the July 1999 issue?” Well it turns out the lady on the right is none other than Christina herself, minus the juggalicious double-D’s we’ve all come to know and love. And she’s blond so maybe the burning bush we’ve all been fantasizing about is just as unreal as her rackage. There’s only one way to settle all this now—get a papal dispensation for AMC to have Christina go fully frontal on basic cable.

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The World’s Gone Mad, Men: Christina Hendricks Has Implants!