Tag Archives: dancing-gifs

Taylor Swift Talks Harry Styles Breakup, Continues to be Awesome

Over the weekend, Taylor Swift invited some fans to her home in NYC where they got to be the first to hear her forthcoming album, 1989. Taylor told her lucky guests that they were allowed to talk to the press about any part of the evening, as long as they didn’t reveal any of the song titles or lyrics. So we get to live vicariously through their stories and pretend that we partied with Swifty ourselves. Based on what the attendees have said so far, it turns out  – to the surprise of no one  – that Taylor is the perfect host. Apparently, one highlight of the evening was when conversation turned to the brief period when Taylor dated Harry Styles . Rather than shy away from the topic, Swift summed up the short-lived relationship in epic fashion: “She described it like trying to build a fire from two twigs,” said one guest. “And everyone is yelling at the fire, ‘I hate your fire,’ and blowing out the sparks.” Wow. Taylor’s metaphor game is on point. We knew from the “Shake It Off” video that Taylor has a sharp, self-deprecating sense of humor. And we knew that she likes to talk about her relationships based on…well, just about every song she’s ever written. What we didn’t know is that when she combines the two, it’s comedy gold! We see a future in standup if this whole music thing doesn’t work out! 27 Taylor Swift Dancing Gifs from “Shake It Off” 1. Bring It On What do you have to say about cheerleaders NOW, Taylor?

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Taylor Swift Talks Harry Styles Breakup, Continues to be Awesome