I think it’s safe to say that if we’re going to be forced to look at Iggy Azlalea’s ass, let’s focus on the photoshopped version of her ass she’s putting out there….rather than the real life mangled reality of her fake ass that exists…because it’s vile…no matter what black guys consider a “PAWG”…. The issue is that Iggy Azlalea’s entire existence is a smoke and mirror lie…and should probably stick to that…because the truth of Iggy Azlalea is fucking ugly…monstrous…terrifying…and short eating.
This is pretty fucking huge….and not because Christina Aguilera is fucking huge…or because her tits are fucking huge thanks to her being fucking huge…and thanks to her breast implants she got before being fucking huge back when she was this tiny little dancing thing…back when I liked her better than Britney because I thought she was hotter, more petite, and amazing…in her push up bra days…. Some X-Tina let’s get Dirty Titty… I am actually surprised that in her old age, she’s not far more slutty than she is, she seems to accept the fact that she’s a fat chick, like she did what she needed to do and made the stupid money and can now just be fat and comfortable and still rich and coddled… It’s an ego thing… I mean..she was pretty hardcore in panties and chaps back in the day….when that wasn’t the norm… So seeing that tit, exciting…but the fact I haven’t seen it everyday before…or her pussy is depressing to me.. So this tit better be a taste of what’s to come…and not the reminder of all the nudity she hasn’t produced as a shameless attention rich person…you know… I KNOW…