Tag Archives: debuts-rainbow

Keeping Up With Kanye’s Kolorful Kut: Are You Hating Or Loving Mr. West’s Multi-Hued Hair?

Source: Pap Nation / SplashNews.com / Splash News Feeling this hairstyle??? Kanye West Debuts Rainbow Hair First pink, now this. Yeezy’s got a new look. Kanye was spotted in L.A. today showing off some rainbow colored tresses. Source: Pap Nation / Splash News Kimmy Cakes’ multi-hued hubby was seen leaving a recording studio with some associates and paps caught shots of his new style. Source: Pap Nation / SplashNews.com / Splash News Mind you Yeezy JUST went pink… Source: SplashNews.com / Splash News and after that strawberry blonde. Source: Richard Buxo / SplashNews.com / Splash News YOU tell us; are you feeling Kanye’s kolorful kut???

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Keeping Up With Kanye’s Kolorful Kut: Are You Hating Or Loving Mr. West’s Multi-Hued Hair?