In response to Jean-Claude Van Damme’s epic split for Volvo in a recent commercial that went viral, Chuck Norris has done him one better … or 11 better. With CGI help, it would appear. But still. Chuck Norris! Boo-yah! The action star appears in a holiday video from Hungarian animation firm Delov Digital, in which he reenacts Van Damme’s split between two jets. And with 11 soldiers on his shoulders, to boot. Check it out! Chuck Norris: The Epic Christmas Split! It’s unclear if Norris worked with Delov on this, though one imagines he at least signed off on his likeness being utilized? The firm hasn’t commented. Either way, it appears to be inspired by Chuck Norris Facts, the classic parody website listing Chuck’s achievements (or at least it’s perfect fodder for it). For example, did you know the Bermuda Triangle used to be known as the Bermuda Square until Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked one of the corners in?! When you think about that, this split is just modestly epic.
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Chuck Norris Split: Jean-Claude Van Damme, You Got Served!