Tag Archives: deny-the-tits

Em Rat Cow – Still Busty of the Day

Em Rat Cow’s still got tits, they are actually running the fucking show, they are the ones in charge, they are the boss, you can tell by how she dresses and how they make an appearance in 99 percent of the things she does…the rest of her is just an average at best, but at least it’s not fat, host body for those tits… I am a firm believer that Em Rat Cow is done, I know she’s got some new movies in the works on IMDB, and I know she’s got that massive social media following and will always be able to monetize that, because people don’t just mass unfollow people, proven by the Kadashians everyone fucking hates… So Em Rat Cow will be around for the rest of her life, but I just don’t think she’ll ever matter much more than the tits…the glorious tits…they are great tits…and you can hate on her, laugh at her, realize she’s an insecure loser who needs to feel validated…but you can’t deny the tits. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS – IF YOU ACTUALLY CARE CLICK HERE The post Em Rat Cow – Still Busty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Em Rat Cow – Still Busty of the Day