Tag Archives: diego-shortly

Justin Frye and Kendra: Exposed!

Now that there’s been cold, hard, naked confirmation that a Kendra Wilkinson sex tape exists, readers are bombarding us with two questions: Who leaked the video? Who is the dude in this photo really giving it to Kendra? The answer, it turns out, is one and the same: Justin Frye. In 2003, Frye and Wilkinson shared an apartment in San Diego. Shortly after the future Playboy model turned 18, she and Justin filmed the sex tape, which Kendra then left behind when she moved into Hugh Hefner’s mansion. Frye sold it to Vivid Entertainment this spring for $100,000, as sources tell Radar Online that he and Kendra have both “cut a deal” for portions of its proceeds. “He waited until Kendra’s fame hit a certain level,” an insider said. “He was striking while the iron is hot, if you like. This was a well orchestrated plan.” Frye, seen above, hails from Arizona and has dabbled in mixed martial arts. He “has shown the tape to his friends,” a source told Star Magazine, adding: “At the end of the month, you’re all going to know just how crazy it is!” You can get a pretty good idea RIGHT NOW , as well. Consider yourself warned.

Licking Away

Railed KendraNaked RidingSex Tape Shot

Pleasuring HerselfFinger Lickin Good!

See more here:
Justin Frye and Kendra: Exposed!